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DOG TREATS: Kanga-Roo Nugget/ Chicken Nugget Instructional – how to eat it VIDEO

Roo Nuggets eaten by dog

Roo Nuggets eaten by dogKangaroo meat is a lot trickier to get than any other meat, because it is not farmed by traditional methods. However these kangaroos are farmed under strict game licenses by the various states.

Kanga-Roo is so attractive to many dog owners because It is also one of the leanest meats around, and one of the easiest accessible game meats in Australia.

This is the companion article to the video taken of my dog Archie eating Kangaroo Nuggets dog treats.

Note, the above buttons take you to the KANGAROO Nuggets Order pages. To find Chicken Nuggets, use the appropriate Dog Treat category at top Left of this site.

The reason that Chicken Nuggets are included in the title is that they have a very similar texture and are made in a similar shape mould. That means that the effort and speed taken for a dog to consume chicken nuggets is likely to be very similar to that of roo nuggets.

While my dog will NOT eat raw kangaroo meat or kangaroo mince, even the cooked versions, he happily eats all of the black dog kangaroo dog treat range. The reason for this is most likely the drying process concentrates the smells making them irresistible.

For the purest you can’t go past kangaroo jerky, the pure 100% roo meat. However that can take considerable chewing for some dogs, and not everyone wants their dog to consume a lot of the high protein source every day. The easier chewing alternative is roo nuggets. These are made by removing roo meat from the bone, shredding it, and combining it with a small amount of non meat ingredients (just to bind them together).

Specifics of Kanga-roo nugget treats

As you will see in this video the roo nuggets are larger than roo meatballs but lighter than roo straps.

My five year old, 20 kg spoodle takes about 50 seconds to eat each one, but of course a dog with much stronger jaws or a larger dog is likely to get through them a lot quicker. There are quite a few of these in each bag, so overall chewing time for most dogs is fairly long.

The table is the best that I could find for kangaroo meat. There are government publications that go into detail about the exact types of fats in kangaroo meat, but very few sources on the full nutritional make up of the meat (protein types, vitamins and minerals). The table below outlines the basic nutrition of straight Roo Mince, and is not directly related to the roo nugget nutrition.

125 g serving of Raw Kangaroo mince has 824 KJ or 198 Calories in it

Total Fat 1.6 g
Saturated Fat 0.4 g
Trans Fatty Acids 0.1 g
Sodium 56 mg
Carbohydrate 0.4 g
Sugars 0.1 g
Dietary Fibre
Protein 27.6 g


This table shows you where the calories in this food come from.
Calories from Fat


Calories from Carbohydrate


Calories from Protein


Calories from Alcohol



Article by Bruce Dwyer. If you wish to use any of this information please refer to the article as a reference and provide a link to our WEBSITE.

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