Yallisa the pug playing Angry Birds at Australian quarantine. VIDEO
I have met a few pugs before, but not as hyper as Yallisa. And that is hyper as in a good way.
It was still relatively warm weather when I met Yallisa and cared for her at Quarantine in Spotswood Australia, but that didn’t stop her unbridled interest in retrieving an angry birds stuffed toy.
While many pugs are relatively sedate, this clearly does not go for the entire breed.
In the video I also spend a bit of time on Yallisa drinking out of a bucket, just because it was good to see how her little face and tongue managed to drink so much water in such a short space of time.
The last part of the video clip sees the pug retrieving a standard tennis ball.
While she loved chasing and retrieving, you will see that as the game goes on, she would also gradually drop the ball further and further away from me. This is a gentle way of saying that she is a little tired and over the whole, ‘why did you throw the ball away again’ thing.
If you have not seen many pugs in action, are thinking of getting one, or just want to see a cool clip, then perhaps you should drop by this one of the fantastic Yallisa in true retrieving mode.
Article by Bruce Dwyer. If you wish to use any of this information please refer to the article as a reference and provide a link to www.healthydogtreats.com.au
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