Crocodile fore leg bone dog treats being eaten video – by MAX
I walk Max (a 16 year old jack russell) a few times a week. He has been a good companion for my dog Archie, but as dogs age, there is always a concern when they get thin, or they lose interest in food. Max still has a good appetite, but he has profound hearing loss and of course is a very old dog.
Well when his owners came for a visit to our house, my young son, decided to leave two sets of door wide open at the back of the house and Max took it upon himself to walk through those doors and go shopping for whatever he could find.
Out of all of the sample treats we were organising for a photo shoot, he chose the crocodile foreleg bone to latch onto. He latched so hard that he would have been swinging off the ground if I tried any harder to get that crocodile bone back.
And that is when I realised that rather than punish him for some good dog hunting skills, I would take a video and a few photos of his great tracking efforts. And he is still carrying it around a week later …
Why crocodile fore leg dog treat bones are so great
If you are a dog treat bone fan, you will have your favourites. They are often based around the type of animal that the bone comes from (ie owners often use something similar to what a dog eats in its regular dog food). Or they try and find something a little different, little larger, little harder.
The point with most bones is that they come from farmed domesticated animals like cows and sheep. These bones (unless they are big) are often on the softer side, and of course the meat is so familiar that it doesn’t really challenge the dog, it doesn’t give them any added nutrition other than what they are used to. These sustainably farmed Australian crocodiles are hundreds of million years old on the evolution scale !
We always recommend giving your dog as many different meat sources as possible for dog protein diversity. As dogs are primarily carnivores, in the wild they would have many different animal type options, so giving them only one or two all year round, isnt providing them with any diversity for them, and so not allowing maximum health options.
The additional thing that the crocodile fore leg bones gives a dog is a measure of complexity (shape), relatively good harness, and they are getting two bone segments. These bones are the biggest croc leg bone we sell, but the whole bone is a suitable size even for the smallest of dogs. These bones are usually around 20 cm long, but we even made a video (below) so you can really get an idea of what they look like in 3D !
Besides all of the great benefits of giving a different animal bone to your dog as a treat is, there are also some great nutritional benefits from the meat they will get off the bone, and from the marrow if you eventually split the bone for them.
Crocodile dog treat fore leg bone nutrition
Even if your dog only eats the meat on the outside of the bone they are likely to want to keep that bone around (because the gamey bone smell is so unique to them.
a unique tasty animal protein source
Highly bio available (easily used by the dog internally) – nothing wasted.
a sustainably farmed Australian crocodile that is.