The most popular dog breeds list: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan 2011 V 2013
In Australia the top three breeds in February 2013 were German shepherd; golden retriever and Labrador, but there were eight new breed terms in the top 15 dog breeds from the previous year.
Did your dog make the 2013 top fifteen dog breed list??
We use Google Search Engine Exact searches to calculate dog breed popularity because it’s the most popular search engine on earth (over 80% global market share).
The tables use a six month average of monthly Google searches on Google (and its partners) up until Feb 2013 and Nov 2011, for the ‘exact’ dog breed terms shown. Dog breed terms that are the same for both time periods have a ‘% Change’ in the 2013 column. Dog breeds that didn’t reoccur from 2011 to 2013, are shown in red font in the 2011 column.
The order of the terms is the order they occurred by most popular in the latest month of the lists. Whereas the vol/mth values may seem out of order, by comparison to the ranking, they show how the dog breeds ranked in Feb 2013 and their longer term position (vol/mth value).
Australia popular dog breed top 15 list 2013 V 2011
The top five dog breeds in each period were:
2013: [german shepherd] 10,633, [golden retriever] 7,850, [labrador] 6,650; [rottweiler] 7,350; [pomeranian] 7,600
2011 [german shepherd] 8,500; [labrador] 9,783; [pomeranian] 8,567; [golden retriever] 6,900; [staffordshire bull terrier] 4,567
This top five comparison is quite telling itself. You can see that German shepherd, golden retriever and labrador made the top five each time.
The new number four entrant in 2013, the ‘rottweiler’, did not make the top fifteen in 2011 and while ‘staffordshire bull terrier’ was number five in 2011 with 4,567 searches on average for the six month periods, it did not make the top fifteen list in 2013. ‘Staffy puppies for sale’ only had around 500 searches on average..
Only seven of the 2011 terms were on the 2013 top 15 list.
Eight terms in 2011 were about various dog breed puppies, and only six were in 2013.
Puppy versions can be important for forecasting short term growth in those specific dog breed purchases. In 2013 the puppies on the list were: German shepherd; golden retriever; labrador (two versions); beagle, border collie and pug.
The labrador is more popular than at first glance in 2013 as it appears as: [labrador] 6,650; [labrador retriever] 2,267 and [labrador puppies for sale] 1,983
Australia Feb 2013 | Vol/mth | % CHG | … | Australia Nov 2011 | Vol/mth | |
1 |
[german shepherd] |
10,633 |
25% |
[german shepherd] |
8,500 |
2 |
[golden retriever] |
7,850 |
14% |
[labrador] |
9,783 |
3 |
[labrador] |
6,650 |
-32% |
[pomeranian] |
8,567 |
4 |
[rottweiler] |
7,350 |
[golden retriever] |
6,900 |
5 |
[pomeranian] |
7,600 |
-11% |
[staffordshire bull terrier] |
4,567 |
6 |
[cavalier king charles spaniel] |
4,733 |
[cocker spaniel] |
4,900 |
7 |
[cocker spaniel] |
4,600 |
-6% |
[german shepherd puppies] |
3,633 |
8 |
[german shepherd puppies] |
2,767 |
-24% |
[labrador puppies] |
2,483 |
9 |
[pugs] |
2,933 |
[boxer puppies for sale] |
1,967 |
10 |
[golden retriever puppies] |
2,483 |
[german shepherd puppies for sale] |
1,210 |
11 |
[labrador retriever] |
2,267 |
[yorkshire terrier] |
2,400 |
12 |
[beagle puppies] |
2,083 |
[labrador puppies for sale] |
2,483 |
13 |
[labrador puppies for sale] |
1,983 |
-20% |
[beagle puppies for sale] |
1,550 |
14 |
[border collie puppies] |
1,550 |
[chihuahua puppies for sale] |
1,750 |
15 |
[pug puppies] |
1,550 |
[jack russell puppies] |
1,163 |
CANADA popular dog breed top 15 list 2013 V 2011
Canada is a big dog loving country and in dog breeds actually increased its top fifteen dog breed searches by 45%.
The top 5 in each year were:
2013 [german shepherd] 17,000; [golden retriever] 17,000, [shih tzu] 20,150; [pomeranian] 13,000; [rottweiler] 13,450
2011 [german shepherd] 13,900; [pomeranian] 12,717; [golden retriever] 13,900; [labrador] 10,767; [portuguese water dog] 6,050
Eight dog breeds (out of fifteen) were exactly the same term in both time periods.
In 2013 you can see that in February the Shih Tzu actually came in as the third most popular dog breed, but in the whole six months up until February it was the most popular dog overall. Yet in 2011 it was not in the top fifteen at all
The Rottweiler managed fifth position in 2013 with an average of 13,450 searches up to Feb 2013 BUT it wasn’t even on the top fifteen list the year previously. A similar thing happened in Australia – more credit to the rottweiler marketing machine!
The labrador was fourth on the list in 2011 with 10,767 monthly searches. In 2013 it appeared twice on the list at sixth place [labrador] 9,900 and in eighth place [labrador retriever] 7,100 meaning that it was close to equal first in 2013.
In 2011 there were three ‘puppies’ versions of dog breeds near the bottom of the list and in 2013 there were NO puppy dog breeds on the list.
CANADA Feb 2013 | Vol/mth | % CHG | .… | CANADA Nov 2011 | Vol/mth | |
1 | [german shepherd] |
17,000 |
22% |
[german shepherd] |
13,900 |
2 | [golden retriever] |
17,000 |
22% |
[pomeranian] |
12,717 |
3 | [shih tzu] |
20,150 |
[golden retriever] |
13,900 |
4 | [pomeranian] |
13,000 |
2% |
[labrador] |
10,767 |
5 | [rottweiler] |
13,450 |
[portuguese water dog] |
6,050 |
6 | [labrador] |
9,900 |
-8% |
[yorkshire terrier] |
6,850 |
7 | [yorkshire terrier] |
7,600 |
11% |
[cockapoo] |
5,633 |
8 | [labrador retriever] |
7,100 |
[english bulldog] |
6,200 |
9 | [portuguese water dog] |
6,200 |
2% |
[cocker spaniel] |
6,200 |
10 | [jack russell terrier] |
5,800 |
[staffordshire bull terrier] |
3,050 |
11 | [cocker spaniel] |
5,800 |
-6% |
[german shepherd puppies] |
2,933 |
12 | [pugs] |
4,900 |
[pomeranian puppies] |
2,767 |
13 | [cavalier king charles spaniel] |
4,300 |
[boxer puppies] |
2,150 |
14 | [staffordshire bull terrier] |
3,133 |
3% |
[papillon dog] |
1,700 |
15 | [bully dog] |
3,483 |
[boxer dogs] |
1,050 |
IRELAND popular dog breed top 15 list 2013 V 2011
2013 [german shepherd] 1850; [shih tzu] 2100; [golden retriever] 1550; [yorkshire terrier] 1350; [staffordshire bull terrier] 1150.
2011 [staffordshire bull terrier] 1,450; [yorkshire terrier] 1,650; [german shepherd] 1,550; [labrador] 1,550; [golden retriever] 1,500
There was only one new dog breed in the top five in 2013 it was the shih tzu with 2,100. Which is pretty impressive as its volume searches show that it was the number one breed for the previous six months in 2013 and it did not make the top fifteen in 2011.
The list was fairly stable with NINE dog breeds appearing in both years in the top fifteen.
The breeds that dropped off the list from 2011 were: cockapoo, husky, english bulldog.
The new dog breeds to join the list in 2013 are: shih tzu, french bulldog, Springer spaniel, west highland terrier, greyhound.
IRELAND Feb 2013 | Vol/mth | % CHG | …. | IRELAND Nov 2011 | Vol/mth | |
1 | [german shepherd] |
1,850 |
19% |
[staffordshire bull terrier] |
1,450 |
2 | [shih tzu] |
2,100 |
[yorkshire terrier] |
1,650 |
3 | [golden retriever] |
1,550 |
3% |
[german shepherd] |
1,550 |
4 | [yorkshire terrier] |
1,350 |
-18% |
[labrador] |
1,550 |
5 | [staffordshire bull terrier] |
1,150 |
-21% |
[golden retriever] |
1,500 |
6 | [cocker spaniel] |
1,130 |
-16% |
[pomeranian] |
1,280 |
7 | [pomeranian] |
1,200 |
-6% |
[cocker spaniel] |
1,350 |
8 | [french bulldog] |
820 |
[boxer dogs] |
553 |
9 | [springer spaniel] |
820 |
[cockapoo] |
505 |
10 | [west highland terrier] |
682 |
[husky dogs] |
367 |
11 | [king charles spaniel] |
435 |
[king charles puppies for sale] |
378 |
12 | [maltese dogs] |
397 |
78% |
[german shepherd pups for sale] |
129 |
13 | [english bulldog] |
345 |
42% |
[maltese dogs] |
223 |
14 | [greyhound pups for sale] |
282 |
[labrador puppies] |
297 |
15 | [boxer dogs] |
332 |
-40% |
[english bulldog] |
243 |
JAPAN popular dog breed top 15 list 2013 V 2011
Google has approximately 30% market share of browsers in Japan. The Japanese are also said to have a population of 128 million people and ten million dogs, but their main 2013 dog breed search term was under 1,000 searches per month? The ALL LANGUAGES option was selected on the data file, so there should be no language issue reducing the volumes.
The top five dog breeds in 2013 and 2011 were:
2013: [golden retriever] 572, [pomeranian] 300; [german shepherd] 300, [yorkshire terrier] 173, [labrador retriever] 243
2011: [golden retriever] 572; [labrador] 382; [german shepherd] 252; [pomeranian] 327; [yorkshire terrier] 155;
As you can see all FIVE of the terms were the same in the top five for both years, just the order was different. Like other countries the previous search term for labradors was [labrador] but now it is listed as [labrador retriever].
In 2011 only eleven dog breed terms were listed in the google ‘dog associated’ searches. And in 2013 it had increase do 13 however there still weren’t enough terms to fill out the top fifteen list.
Seven of the 13 dog breed terms in 2013 were the same as in 2011.
The dog breed terms that went missing from 2011 were [English bulldog] 109; [cockapoo] 46, [german shepherd dog] 45
With these very low volumes statistically the data may not mean a lot. However you can see that there is great stability in the top five terms over one year, that suggests these dogs are strong favourites within the country.
JAPAN Feb 2013 | Vol/mth | % CHG | …. | JAPAN Nov 2011 | Vol/mth | |
1 | [golden retriever] |
572 |
0% |
[golden retriever] |
572 |
2 | [pomeranian] |
300 |
-8% |
[labrador] |
382 |
3 | [german shepherd] |
300 |
19% |
[german shepherd] |
252 |
4 | [yorkshire terrier] |
173 |
12% |
[pomeranian] |
327 |
5 | [labrador retriever] |
243 |
[yorkshire terrier] |
155 |
6 | [jack russell terrier] |
160 |
[english bulldog] |
109 |
7 | [cocker spaniel] |
101 |
-11% |
[cocker spaniel] |
114 |
8 | [cavalier king charles spaniel] |
82 |
[portuguese water dog] |
40 |
9 | [pugs] |
106 |
[cockapoo] |
46 |
10 | [scottish terrier] |
65 |
[german shepherd dog] |
45 |
11 | [staffordshire bull terrier] |
54 |
-11% |
[staffordshire bull terrier] |
61 |
12 | [portuguese water dog] |
49 |
22% |
13 | [shiba inu puppies] |
40 |
14 |
0 |
15 |
0 |
The volume changes of total searches for the dog breed list over the previous time period were:
- Australia +8% increase from 61,857 to 67,033
- Canada increased +45% from 95,867 to 138,817
- Ireland increased +11% from 13,026 to 14,442
- Japan + 7% from 2,101 to 2,244
In Australia & Canada the Rottweiler was one of the main new entrants.
In Canada the shih tzu was top ranking for the six months leading up to 2013, but not in the top 15 in 2011. In Ireland the shih tzu came from off the list to top of the list per volume of searches in 2013.
Japan has very low searches for dog breeds – the top search is under 1,000 searches on Google per month (in any language). Japan had great stability in its top five positions with the same five breeds in the top five for both time periods.
In General
The cockapoo went missing from most countries lists from 2011 to 2013
Google began recording the term [labrador] and [labrador retriever]
Article by Bruce Dwyer. If you wish to use any of this information please refer to the article as a reference and provide a link to
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