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A NEW full roo dogs treat range and why I am excited about it.


Roo-dog-treats-dogI know that the healthiest more organic land based dog treat meat in Australia isn’t for everyone.  Not everyone agrees with the Government legislated culls to protect the environment.  Some people are squeamish about certain meats.  However I am here to get the best meat for your dog, and that is what this post is about.

Roo dogs meat is used in exclusion diets at the vets because its one of the meats least likely to trigger an allergic reaction.  It is very low in fat, and the fat it does have is the fat your dog needs (high in natural Omega 3).  The meat is free from artificial hormones and antibiotics that find their way into most other land based farmed meat we buy for humans and dogs alike.

Saying Kangaroo is the perfect meat and food for your dog is an understatement.

Why we stock a full range of Kangaroo meat based dog treats

Originally when I started my online dog treat store we had difficulty getting anything other than 80% meat based dog treats. While this is up to four times the amount of meat found in many dog foods, many dog owners like to go completely grain free.

As we have recently added a few  Roo dogs bones to our range I thought it might be a good time to go over the whole kangaroo dog treat range and explain in detail what you might want to get.

Roo bars, Kangaroo CrinklesRoo lami, roo meatballs and Roo nuggets, are all examples of our 80% plus meat range. If you look in the ingredients list in the long description under each product you will see that it is 80% meat, with the majority being a kangaroo and a minority share of chicken.  Dog treat manufacturers do this because it provides the irresistible chicken flavour to treats that almost all dogs like (because it’s in almost all dog food) AND it keeps the treat price reasonable and you can get more treat in the packet.

Because roos are not traditionally farmed, catching and preparing them is a whole lot more expensive than many people might think.  And as in life with everything else, the more premium the product the more rare and expensive it usually is per gram.  So all of the treats mentioned above tend to have up to 20% wheat,  and  extra vitamins and minerals thrown in, and of course are different sizes, textures and hardness depending on the task you want that treat used for. For instance bars, crinkles and nuggets are larger and more chewy so smaller dogs can have a bit more time enjoying pulling the treat apart (large dogs just swallow).  But if you want a great training treat, many people are opting for the roo meat balls.

Roo sticks  I have kept separate from the above information, because they are unique again. While they have a similar composition, they are the FREE gift I give all our customers, and are made super soft so they are easy to break off and all dogs can eat them, even those with almost no teeth.  This also makes them ideal for any dog and possible for use as a training treat.

100% meat kangaroo dog treats

This, of course, is my favourite as it means organic (no grain or other meats).  No artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives or anything else, just carefully dried.

You will find roo jerky and roo tendons in the regular Kangaroo treat and Bulk Roo treat sections of this site.  These two treats are the two main ones I feed to my dog as a meat based supplement after his mainly raw meat main meal at night.  A note on roo tendons is that over the last few years due to difficulty in regular supply they have become like ‘hens teeth’ to get, and so we always recommend people stocking up with kilo bags when they can.

We can access roo liver, roo hearts and many other offal variations in kangaroo and upon sufficient demand we can definitely supply them – we are still waiting for the call !

100% roo bones dog treats

This section is probably the main reason I thought to write this article for you today. For a long time, all we were able to get was Roo clod bones.  These bones are one of the hardest animal bones on earth, meaning that the really heavy chewers like Rotties, German shepherds, pit bulls and staff love them. They provide more of a challenge for these dogs to eat, but if you look at our videos on the left column of our site, you will see that Shine the Rottweiler still manages to eat the WHOLE bone in about 15 minutes. They vary in size from season to season, but always have the same quality high-grade fats in the marrow as a genuine reward for your dog!

And now to the exciting news in kangaroo dog treat bones –  Roo hips and Roo tail pieces.

Again you can get almost any part of the kangaroo bone selection to buy for a dog, however at this moment we have opted for two of the heartiest MEAT included varieties for your dog.  The reason is that many dogs, like my own, have soft jaws (retriever class) or are small or older dogs.

These dogs will nibble on bones, but usually not get much more than a little ‘something’ off the end of a traditional leg bone. Getting another variety of big but little meat bone is of little value for the majority of dogs. If you want that kind of thing we sell plenty of those types of massive bones in the bone section under BEEF.

Both roo hips and roo tailpieces have a LOT of meat on them, meaning even if our dog just eats the bone for the meat, they will still get something substantial out of it.  And this is all 100% natural, good oil, good protein kangaroo meat for your dog.

So why not combine the fun and time taking the primal activity of bone chewing for your dog that is good for it? As well as this important psychological activity, add a high meat based roo dog treat for your dog’s food nutrition supplementation in their diet?

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Why feed your dog with beef liver treats for nutrition? There’s an analysis included.
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